woman tells the story of her “coincidental” migration triggered
by a sound.
starting point: Beirut, her former city.
the following stations of her journey are cities she never knew
of...She collects one
object from each
of those cities
and through these objects she tells the story that lies behind every
city: Cities
with no names, cities
defined by their citizens’ obsessions, habits,
and fears ...She shares
her experiences and reflections regarding those cities as
well as her relation to
their people……she relates…she resents…she remembers…she
re-assesses…she reacts…she leaves...she
leaves in search of what she has lost of herself and she runs away in
fear of what she might
find if she stays somewhere too long. With
each new departure a piece of her past unfolds and behind it lies the
ruins of her
memories in Beirut. The
realities of the cities she encounters become a mirror of what
remains of her memories before her migration and drive her to revisit
the true purpose of her

Artists' note
is very difficult
to unite the motivation behind a creation when the two artists
involved in the collaboration come from extremely different
backgrounds. We found that some of our needs that emerge from the
diversity of our backgrounds not only vary but highly contradict.
Sometimes it seemed that what one of us was looking for was exactly
what the other one was running away from.
as the
discussions progressed we discovered strong links in our differences
and realized that coming from these two very opposed places is
actually irrelevant in the face of the similarities of our concerns
and dilemmas with respect to our surrounding
find ourselves in
an utmost urgency to comprehend our isolation with respect to our
societies and the role of the social control in all its shapes, as
well as the effect it has on our personal freedom. We both believe
in the right of the human being to move freely in order to grow and
find his belonging in a home of his choice. We both believe that
borders should not be used as ploys of entrapment to imprison people
and that every person should become the only variable border. We both
have a contradictory relationship with respect to our society when it
comes to our responsibility to change what we see as a repressive
system and to accept the things we cannot change.
discussions we realized that we did not actually choose our main
theme but it has chosen us. Our theme revolves around the ability of
the human being to be liberated from the boundaries that are imposed
and implemented since birth, so he can follow his quest to find the
home in which he truly belongs. And in order to explore our theme,
we started
collecting social beliefs and habits from the surrounding of our
daily lives in both our native cities (Bern & Beirut). We used
this collection to create imaginary cities based on exaggerated
version of these existing social conditions.
. And through
this exaggeration we ended up creating a fantasy world, not to
pretend knowing what a perfect world would be like, but to reflect
the reality of the brutal isolation of individuals in the societies
that have undergone mutation through systems that were supposed to
create communities rather than closed bubbles of alienation. The
character of our play who roams through this fantasy world represents
the virtual free version of us. She represents the capable version of
us, who naturally liberates herself from all the social ties that
forbid her to exercise her right to simply move and quench her thirst
of connecting with people without fear and limits. She constantly
displaces herself from one place to another. And even though she
sometimes yearns to stay, she detaches herself knowing that if she
stays too long in the same place she will become again a prisoner of
a limiting system… this character is an aspiration, an honest
attempt to share in a somehow euphoric manner our frustration with
respect to our existence… this woman is in fact our parallel selves
in another parallel reality.